
looking into [tan-jong i-tou bi-kin] series

A Surrealism video art that is depicted my dream about how I look into myself and adventure to seek for my late grandfather. The last piece of footage has been manipulated with motion graphics. Through the local hokkien conversation about how my late grandfather taught his daughters in their childhood; reflected Penang native lifestyle in the late 60’s. This experience taught me a lot about myself, identity and root.
I just try to say; please looking into yourself; get your own [tan-jong i-tou bi-kin] (made in Penang) or can interpreted as “looking into your very own hometown and yourself”

Extension from Welcome Home [tan-jong i-tou bi-kin] series: http://tcliew.blogspot.com/2008/02/welcome-home-tribute-to-ah-kong-tan.html