
Catch it.. fast... or regrad?!

is and powerful
element in life,

it :

?! waiting,rushing,revo­lving....

From seed become tree;
from saint become evil !?

That is life,
should learn!!

(don't lost it!)


Contributions = (x) x sama-sama, stencil & silk screen printing installation, 2007

"heaven gold" contribute to death one,

burning papers contribute to create pollution;

waste contribute to factories,

recycling contribute to make domestic goods;

printed t-shirts contribute to society,

but used t-shirts contribute to waste depot;


. . same-same = (x) contributions


International Pinhole Day 2007

"no one in the school today, restday + term holiday... but 4 of us still hunging around! 8x10 Ilford MGV Multigrade IV RC De Luxe, 6"x6"x8" DIY pinhole camera, 15 minutes exposed. Printing: f/5.6 13sec. under enlarger Venue: School of Art, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia."